Advocate (INFJ)
Personality Type

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Advocate (INFJ)
Personality Type

Personal strength and preference that Advocate (INFJ) most of the time uses is: Introverted Intuition with Feeling

Advocate (INFJ) Personality Type General Characteristics

Succeed by perseverance, originality and desire to do whatever is needed or wanted. Put their best efforts into their work. Quietly forceful, conscientious, concerned for others. Respected for their firm principles. Likely to be honored and followed for their clear convictions as to how best to serve the common good.

Advocate (INFJ) Celebrities

  • Plato - Philosopher
  • Carl Gustav Jung - Psychiatrist
  • Niels Bohr - Physicist
  • Mahatma Gandhi - Campaigner for the independence of India
  • Thomas Jefferson - U.S. President and author of the Declaration of Independence
  • Dante Alighieri - Poet and author of The Divine Comedy
  • Agatha Christie - Author of crime novels
  • Arthur Schopenhauer - Philosopher
  • Leo Tolstoy - Author
  • Fyodor Dostoevsky - Author
  • Al Pacino - Actor
  • Edward Norton - Actor
  • Cate Blanchett - Actress
  • Michelle Pfeiffer - Actress
  • Benedict Cumberbatch - Actor

Advocate (INFJ) Distribution in the Population

  • 2% of the general population
  • 1% of men
  • 2% of women

Advocate (INFJ) Most Popular Hobbies and Activities

Writing, art appreciation, cultural events, reading, socializing in small, intimate settings, and playing or listening to music.

Advocate (INFJ) Career Advice

Whether you're a young adult trying to find your place in the world, or a seasoned professional trying to find out if you're moving along the right path, it's important to understand yourself and the personality traits that will impact your likeliness to succeed or fail at various careers. It's equally important to understand what is really important to you. When armed with an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, and an awareness of what you truly value, you are in an excellent position to pick a career which you will find rewarding.

Advocate (INFJ) usually has the following strengths that she/he can effortlessly profit throughout her/his own career path:

  • Intuitively understand people and situations
  • Idealistic
  • Highly principled
  • Complex and deep
  • Natural leaders
  • Sensitive and compassionate towards people
  • Service-oriented
  • Future-oriented
  • Value deep, authentic relationships
  • Reserved about expressing their true selves
  • Dislike dealing with details unless they enhance or promote their vision
  • Constantly seeking meaning and purpose in everything
  • Creative and visionary
  • Intense and tightly-wound
  • Can work logically and rationally - use their intuition to understand the goal and work backwards towards it

The INFJ is a special individual who needs more out of a career than a job. They need to feel as if everything they do in their lives is in sync with their strong value systems - with what they believe to be right. Accordingly, the INFJ should choose a career in which they`re able to live their daily lives in accordance with their deeply-held principles, and that supports them in their life quest to be doing something meaningful. Since INFJs have such strong value systems, and persistent intuitive visions that lend them a sense of "knowing", they do best in positions in which they are leaders, rather than followers. Although they can happily follow individuals who are leading in a direction that the INFJ fully supports, they will very unhappy following in any other situation.

The following list of professions is built on our impression of careers that would be especially suitable for an INFJ.

Recommended Career Paths for INFJs are:

  • Physical Therapist
  • Public Health Educator
  • Family Physician
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Psychiatrist
  • Physician Assistant
  • Massage Therapist
  • Nutritionist
  • Medical Researcher
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Counselor
  • Social Worker
  • Speech Pathologist
  • Clergy
  • Social Scientist
  • Genealogist
  • Food Scientist
  • Environmental Scientist
  • HR Manager
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Environmental Attorney
  • Legal Mediator
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • School Counselor
  • Librarian
  • Curator
  • Translator
  • Editor
  • Technical Writer
  • Writer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Animator
  • Artist
  • Musician
  • Interior Designer

Remember: If you know who you really are, you will have pleasure and wisdom to decide whatever works best for you.

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Personality Types

Personality Type Indicators

Duty Fulfiller - ISTJ
Virtuoso - ISTP
Entrepreneur - ESTP
Executive - ESTJ
Defender - ISFJ
Artist - ISFP
Entertainer - ESFP
Caregiver - ESFJ
Advocate - INFJ
Idealist - INFP
Inspirer - ENFP
Giver - ENFJ
Architect - INTJ
Thinker - INTP
Visionary - ENTP
Commander - ENTJ

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